About Canyon Heights PAC

Welcome to the online source for Canyon Heights Elementary Parent Advisory Council (PAC). All parents at our school are a part of our PAC. We hope for and welcome your input and participation throughout the school year! The PAC plans and supports additional activities for our school community all year long. Fun, fundraising, socializing, and helping connect all members of school community is what we do--believing that a strong and connected community benefits our children most of all!

Monday, 30 May 2016

PAC weekly update for May 30 - June 3, 2016

Week at a Glance
Wednesday, June 1 Please remember there is no hot lunch on this day and Grade 5s are on their Harbour Tour
Thursday, June 2, The Band Concert from 6:30-7:30 pm Changed! Time to follow...
Friday, June 3 PAC's Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

And, to help you keep up to date with the school activities for this week:
Click here to jump to the school's webpage for more events!
Click here to jump to the End of May Newsletter

Upcoming Activities (and Volunteer Opportunities!)

June 13 Last PAC meeting and elections -
This is THE meeting to attend! Your chance to vote in new Executive Members, as well as the best meeting to learn what PAC does, and how you can participate--all in one short and social meeting at 7pm in the School Library.
Feeling encouraged?!! We hope so, because we need as many parents as possible to hold our vote - and every parent is a member of PAC at our school. If you want to attend and bring your children, we will happily arrange childcare at the school for you, please email lynnelreinson@yahoo.cl

Each and every time a parent volunteers at school, our community is stronger and more fun! 

These PAC events happening very soon, and all volunteer help is appreciated. Here are the event details and contact people-

Staff Appreciation Luncheon
To donate a dish of food for 8-10 people, please contact Tiffany Haziza at tiffany.haziza@telus.net and to volunteer to help with the event--the following might still be needed, so we're posting just in case. We want to be sure to put on a great luncheon for the staff who work with our children every school day!  
1) 9:30am-2:30pm (the most needed option), 
2) 9:30am-11:00
3) 11:00am-1:00pm

PAC will be hosting a Chill and Grill Year End Bash on Friday, June 17th, 2016  at the school. We are appealing to mothers, fathers, aunties and uncles to please volunteer to help with decorations, setting up, cleaning up, BBQing and serving! A volunteer sign-up sheet is on the PAC board at the school, or you can volunteer via Munch a Lunch. If you can donate an hour of your time we’d really appreciate it!!

Also, we are collecting TOYS as prizes for the kids Toywalk- a big piece of the fun! If you are able to donate a new or gently used toy ($10 to $15 range) please place it in the boxes outside the PAC Kitchen. Please email Kulvir Mann at kulvir@shaw.ca with any questions about Toywalk details-

If you have any questions about "Chill and Grill", please email Nevasha Naidoo or Linda Gardner at nevasha.naidoo@gmail.com or linda_sempebwa@hotmail.com

And lastly, for this week, we would like to remind parents to get their orders in for the Chill and Grill! Please see How to order post to find out how to choose from the following combos (under the eldest's name)

  • Hamburger / Chips / Drink  - $8
  • Veggie Burger / Chips / Drink - $8
  • Hot Dog /Chips / Drink - $7 
  • Veggie Dog / Chips / Drink -$7

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