About Canyon Heights PAC

Welcome to the online source for Canyon Heights Elementary Parent Advisory Council (PAC). All parents at our school are a part of our PAC. We hope for and welcome your input and participation throughout the school year! The PAC plans and supports additional activities for our school community all year long. Fun, fundraising, socializing, and helping connect all members of school community is what we do--believing that a strong and connected community benefits our children most of all!

Thursday, 19 May 2016

North Vancouver PAC Annual General Meeting and Operational Changes Information

Hello Parents-
We are all part of the Canyon Heights PAC organization (CHPAC, or just PAC, on our blog here); and, all PACs in North Vancouver are a part of the North Vancouver Parent Advisory Council (NVPAC). This is happening next week, and the changes will affect our PAC at Canyon Heights. Lynnel Reinson is our school's District PAC (the NVPAC) representative this year, and will be attending along with the other parents at school who participate in the NCPAC.  ALL interested parents are welcome to come out and participate, or simply observe how the PAC works at the District Level - 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016 at 7 pm at the Education Services Centre, 2121 Lonsdale, 5th floor
Come out to hear about the NEW Societies Act and how the changes will affect your PAC (i.e. constitution and bylaw changes, etc)! We are bringing in Bryan Millman https://www.bht.com/bryan-millman of the Bull Housser Law Firm https://www.bht.com/our-firm and he will be doing a presentation and Q&A.  

The Annual General Meeting will follow (around 8:15 pm)
A formal Agenda is attached for your convenience and will be posted on the NVPAC Website – www.northvanpac.weebly.com

One of the purposes of the Annual General Meeting is to elect a new Executive for the 2016/17 school year.  All Executive positions are up for election each year.  NVPAC encourages ALL parents who are interested in issues at the District level to consider joining the Executive.  The time commitment varies with the particular role taken on, but at minimum, NVPAC Executive members are expected to attend one Executive meeting and one General Membership meeting per month.  There are no General Membership meetings held in September, December, March or June. 

Part IV:  Duties of Executive Member

Each Executive member shall:
  1. Submit an annual report.
  2. Consult with, take direction from, and represent all PACs in the District;
  3. Work as a team to ensure NVPAC purposes are achieved.
  4. Where practical, assist their successor with the transition.

All Executive members are expected to:
  • Attend all Executive, General, and Special meetings;
  • Be familiar with the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures of NVPAC;
  • Carry out their duties as described;
  • Follow the DPAC Code of Ethics, as per current policy;
  • Inform the Secretary prior to the meeting, if they are unable to attend.

 The Chair shall:
  1. Speak on behalf of the Society
  2.  Act as designate to other Partner groups;
  3. Consult with Society members;
  4. Preside at membership and executive meetings;
  5. Ensure that an agenda is prepared;
  6. Appoint committees where authorised by the membership or Executive;
  7. Ensure that the Society is represented in school district activities;
  8. Ensure that Society activities are aimed at achieving the purposes set out in the constitution;
  9. Be a signing officer.

The Vice-Chair shall:
  1. Support the Chair;
  2. Assume the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence or upon request;
  3. Assist the Chair in the performance of his duties;
  4. Accept extra duties as required.

The Treasurer shall:
  1. Ensure all funds are accounted for;
  2. Receive all monies and account for all expenditures to the membership as required;
  3. Be a signing officer
  4. Disburse funds as authorised by the membership or executive;
  5. Report on all receipts and disbursements at general and executive meetings;
  6. Make financial records and books of account available to members upon request, with reasonable notice;
  7. With the assistance of the executive, draft an annual budget;
  8. Ensure that another signing officer has access to the financial records and books of account in the treasurer’s absence;
  9. Submit annual financial statements at the Annual General Meeting.

The Secretary shall:
  1. Conduct the correspondence of the Society under the direction of the Chair and the Executive;
  2. Issue notices of all meetings;
  3. Be responsible for distribution to members any material approved by the Executive;
  4. Record and file all minutes of all meetings.
  5. Conduct the correspondence of the Society under the direction of the Chair and the Executive;
  6. Issue notices of all meetings;
  7. Be responsible for distribution to members any material approved by the Executive;
  8. Record and file all minutes of all meetings.

The Registrar of Members shall:
  1. Maintain annually a list of Executive members and voting members with telephone numbers, email addresses and the school they represent;
  2. Keep an accurate record of PAC Representatives from each school.
The Communications Coordinator shall:
  1. Administer the communications tools currently in use to ensure ongoing operation in support of the NVPAC communication needs.

The Program Facilitator shall:
  1. Be responsible for the execution of all general parent meetings and educational forums planned by the Chair and the Executive.

The BCCPAC Representative shall:
  1. Serve as the liaison between the Society and the British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils;
  2. Encourage PACs in School District #44 to be members of BCCPAC;
  3. Disseminate BCCPAC information to all PACs in School District 44;
  4. Help identify interested and qualified parents for BCCPAC external committees;
  5. Help PACs and the Executive to process BCCPAC forms, proxies and applications;
  6. Assist PACs and the Executive in responding to BCCPAC AGM resolutions.

The Members-at-Large shall:
  1. Be responsible for duties assigned by the Executive.

We hope to have at least one representative (either PAC Chair or DPAC Rep) from each school in attendance for both the presentation and our AGM. 
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact me at anichol@northvanpac.or
Amanda Nichol, Chair, North Vancouver PAC 

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